Twiglet's Tales

Comforting Mum Through Life's Ups and Downs

Comforting Mum Through Life's Ups and Downs

When Mum first began to feel down, I, as a young pup, took the time to sit with her frequently and listen. She might not have believed I understood what...

Comforting Mum Through Life's Ups and Downs

When Mum first began to feel down, I, as a young pup, took the time to sit with her frequently and listen. She might not have believed I understood what...

My Journey with Twiglet and Mental Health

My Journey with Twiglet and Mental Health

Sometimes, simply talking and hearing your own voice can be therapeutic, offering a fresh perspective. If people could hear me talking while I walk alone, they might think I'm quite mad!

My Journey with Twiglet and Mental Health

Sometimes, simply talking and hearing your own voice can be therapeutic, offering a fresh perspective. If people could hear me talking while I walk alone, they might think I'm quite mad!

An Eight-Month Journey of Paws and Adventures

An Eight-Month Journey of Paws and Adventures

"You're a terrier, my friend, so out we go!" And off we trot, my short legs and low stature making sure I get properly muddy and wet in no time.

An Eight-Month Journey of Paws and Adventures

"You're a terrier, my friend, so out we go!" And off we trot, my short legs and low stature making sure I get properly muddy and wet in no time.

Pup manicure/pedicure

Pup manicure/pedicure

The transition to these smaller clippers has been transformative, enabling us to tackle this task together without requiring external assistance.

Pup manicure/pedicure

The transition to these smaller clippers has been transformative, enabling us to tackle this task together without requiring external assistance.

The fright of my life!

The fright of my life!

My heart was in my mouth as I called for her to come back to me but by then she was not listening. I can honestly say I had never...

The fright of my life!

My heart was in my mouth as I called for her to come back to me but by then she was not listening. I can honestly say I had never...

My pup saved my mental health

My pup saved my mental health

2022 and 2023 would bring issues that I would need to be supported with, and there was my pup. Always happy to see me, always by my side - just...

My pup saved my mental health

2022 and 2023 would bring issues that I would need to be supported with, and there was my pup. Always happy to see me, always by my side - just...