My Journey with Twiglet and Mental Health

I hope that those of you who have read the 'My Pup Saved My Mental Health' blog have found comfort and strength in knowing that you are not alone.

As we enter another month, the weather should be getting cooler, but it has remained extremely hot, making walking a challenge, especially for those with fur coats. Twiglet and I have been doing our best to walk during the cooler parts of the day.

As you may know, Twiglet has been incredibly beneficial to my mental health. When you're feeling down and isolated, it can be hard to know where to turn. Healing is a gradual process, and there's no fixed timeline. What I do know is that I would have been in a much darker place without my dear Twiglet. We walk at least once a day, allowing me to breathe in the therapeutic fresh air of Suffolk and connect with people in my community, many of whom I had never met before Twiglet came into my life.

I consider myself a strong person with a resilient character, so I find it surprising how much my mental health has suffered. Not long ago, I would have never expected to be on this journey, and it goes to show that it can happen to anyone.

I'm making slow progress, and Twiglet has played a significant role in improving my well-being. Just having her by my side, seeing her furry little face, and enjoying her unique mannerisms brightens my day.

To anyone else facing the challenges I've encountered, I want to convey that there is light at the end of the tunnel. My light may be small, but it's there. This feeling is reassuring because when you're feeling so low, it can be a struggle to get up and dust yourself off. However, it is possible, and I promise you that.

When you feel comfortable and safe, reach out to someone you trust. Sometimes, simply talking and hearing your own voice can be therapeutic, offering a fresh perspective. If people could hear me talking while I walk alone, they might think I'm quite mad! Fortunately, Twiglet is always there to lend me an ear, and that is truly precious.

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